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Oct 7: Statistics in Practice

Statistics in PracticeThis week we take a look at how AI encodes human bias, despite our best efforts. Our spotlight this week is on:

See you in class!

Peter Bruce,
Chief Academic Officer, Author, Instructor, and Founder

The Institute for Statistics Education at

Machine Learning and Human Bias

Does better AI offer the hope of prejudice-free decision-making? Ironically, the reverse might be true with the advent of deep learning […]

Word of the Week


The art of statistics and data science lies, in part, in taking a real-world problem and converting it into a well-defined quantitative problem amenable to useful solution. At the technical end of things lies regularization. In data science this involves various methods of simplifying models, to minimize overfitting and better reveal underlying phenomena. Some examples include:

  • reducing dimensionality
  • smoothing
  • penalty terms to discourage complexity in models
  • constraining predictor coefficients

Industry Spotlight

Workforce Management

Anyone who has worked in retail knows the anxiety that attends workforce scheduling for both manager and employee. The manager wonders “Will my employees […]

Course Spotlight

Nov 8 – Dec 6: Deep Learning

Deep learning is a powerful implementation of neural networks, enabling some of the most revolutionary achievements of artificial intelligence such as image and voice recognition. In this course you will learn how to:

  • Install and run Tensorflow
  • Build on the available Tensorflow code to run a linear classifier and neural net
  • Explain the characteristics and parameters of a convolutional network
  • Use Tensorflow to configure a convolutional network to recognize handwritten digits
  • Explain the role played by networks based on Long Short Term Memory
  • Explain the considerations involved in implementing both supervised and unsupervised methods in a deep network

Your instructor is Dr. Pragyansmita Nayak, Senior Data Scientist at Hitachi Vantara. She has over 20 years of experience in software applications and data science-related research and development and is an avid hackathon participant. She won the AngelHack 2016 HPE Haven OnDemand challenge, presenting at the White House “Hack the Pay Gap” challenge of 2016 and the CERN ThePort Social Innovation global hackathon. She is the founder of the Northern Virginia (NoVA) Deep Learning Meetup with over 1900+ members.

See you in class!

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