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ROC Curve

The Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve is a measure of how well a statistical or machine learning model (or a medical diagnostic procedure) can distinguish between two classes, say 1’s and 0’s.  For example, fraudulent insurance claims (1’s) and non-fraudulent ones (0’s). It plots two quantities:


Triage and Artificial Intelligence

Predictim is a service that scans potential babysitters’ social media and other online activity and issues them a score that parents can use to select babysitters. Jeff Chester, the executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, commented: There’s a mad rush to seize the power of AI to make all kinds of decisions withoutContinue reading “Triage and Artificial Intelligence”

Deming’s Funnel Problem

W. Edwards Deming’s funnel problem is one of statistics’ greatest hits. Deming was a noted statistician who took the statistical process control methods of Shewhart and expanded them into a holistic approach to manufacturing quality. Initially, his ideas were cooly received in the US and he ended up implementing them first in Japan. The successContinue reading “Deming’s Funnel Problem”