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The Real Facebook Controversy

Cambridge Analytica’s wholesale scraping of Facebook user data is big news now, and people are shocked that personal data is being shared and traded on a massive scale on the internet. But the real issue with social media is not harming to individual users whose information was shared, but sophisticated and sometimes subtle mass manipulationContinue reading “The Real Facebook Controversy”

Big Data and Clinical Trials in Medicine

There was an interesting article a couple of weeks ago in the New York Times magazine section on the role that Big Data can play in treating patients — discovering things that clinical trials are too slow, too expensive, and too blunt to find. The story was about a very particular set of lupus symptoms,Continue reading “Big Data and Clinical Trials in Medicine”

Predictive Modeling and Typhoon Relief

The devastation wrought by Super-Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines is the biggest test yet for the nascent technology of “artificial intelligence disaster response,” a phrase used by Patrick Meier, a pioneer in the field. When disaster strikes, a flood of social media posts and tweets ensues. There is useful information in the data flood, butContinue reading “Predictive Modeling and Typhoon Relief”