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Book Review: Weapons of Math Destruction

Cathy O’Neil’s Weapons of Math Destruction, when it was first published in 2016, sounded an early alarm about the big data algorithms and their potential for social evil. The cover is adorned with a robotic death’s head and the subtitle reads “How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy.” O’Neil’s book begins with stories thatContinue reading “Book Review: Weapons of Math Destruction”

Industry Spotlight: Customer Segmentation

Are you “young and rustic?” Or perhaps a “toolbelt traditionalist?” These are nicknames given to customer segments identified by market research firm Claritas, with its statistical clustering tool. Long before the advent of individualized product recommendations, business sought to segment customers into distinct groups on the basis of purchase behavior, demographic variables, and geography, toContinue reading “Industry Spotlight: Customer Segmentation”