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Apr 2: Statistics in Practice – Special Epi Course

Statistics in Practice

In this special Brief we step back and look at various estimates of the projected death toll from the coronavirus.  

Would you like to learn more about the statistical analysis of disease?  We’re offering a special self-paced course to those seeking to improve their knowledge of epidemiology:

Unlike our other courses, this 3-month version of our regular course is self-paced, and you can join any time.  Teaching assistants will grade your work, though the course is not attended by an instructor. We’ve priced this self-paced course at only $55 (to cover our administrative costs, and the costs of verifying/grading student work). Please use promo-code “self-paced” for this highly-discounted tuition rate.

Peter Bruce

Founder, Author, and Senior Scientist

Coronavirus Death Toll

Forecasting COVID-19 deaths is a grim but important task.  Most citizens would support draconian measures to prevent deaths in the millions.  Fewer would support sending the world into serious depression to avoid deaths on the scale of those from car accidents (about 37,000 per year in the US).  How to make sense of these estimates?[…]

Course Spotlight

Epidemiologic Statistics – self paced, online

This course, designed by the world-renowned epidemiological author and educator David Kleinbaum, is designed for researchers and analysts in the health, medical, and behavioral sciences who are interested in learning fundamental principles and methods of epidemiologic and public health research.

The course is based on Kleinbaum’s ground-breaking courseware/textbook tool for learning epidemiology – ActivEpi. Topics covered include:

  • study designs (clinical trials, observational studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional),
  • measures of disease frequency and treatment effect, and
  • controlling for extraneous factors.

This is a special self-paced session of this course, open for 3 months. Teaching assistants will check your work, but the course is otherwise not attended by an instructor.  The standard instructor-attended session of this course will return November 6.

Please use promo-code “self-paced” for this discounted tuition rate.

See you in class!

Contact Us To Learn More

If you have any questions on our courses, certificates, and degree programs and how they can apply to you, your work, and to your career, please get in touch. We’re here to help you succeed.