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Course Spotlight: The Text Analytics Sequence

Text analytics or text mining is the natural extension of predictive analytics, and’s text analytics program starts Feb. 6. Text analytics is now ubiquitous and yields insight in:

Marketing: Voice of the customer, social media analysis, churn analysis, market research, survey analysis

Business: Competitive intelligence, document categorization, human resources (voice of the employee), records retention, risk analysis, website faceted navigation

Industry specific: Fraud detection, e-discovery, warranty analysis, medical analytics research


  1. Text Mining (February 6, 2015)Learn to pilot, implement or analyze data mining methods aimed at data containing unstructured text (forms, surveys, etc.).
  2. Natural Language Processing (March 6, 2015)Introduction to the algorithms, techniques and software used in natural language processing (NLP)
  3. Natural Language Processing Using NLTK (April 10, 2015)Introduce natural language processing (NLP) processes into your projects and software applications. NLTK provides cutting edge linguistic and machine learning tools that are on par with traditional NLP frameworks and allows you to quickly and easily analyze text data in larger applications.