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Job Spotlight: Risk Analyst

Many jobs are centered around risk management. If you’re looking through job postings, of course, you’ll see lots of jobs whose purpose is to make sure that nothing bad happens – the equivalent of locking the doors and closing the windows. More interesting from a statistical perspective are the jobs that assume that bad thingsContinue reading “Job Spotlight: Risk Analyst”

Problem of the Week: The Value of Bedrooms

Question: You work for an internet real-estate company, building statistical models to predict home price on the basis of square footage, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, property type (single family home, townhouse, multiplex), and age. Surprisingly, you find the coefficient for bedrooms is negative, meaning that adding bedrooms decreases value. What might account forContinue reading “Problem of the Week: The Value of Bedrooms”

Industry Spotlight: Baseball – Opening Day & Statistics in Sports

The U.S. baseball season opens Thursday, March 28, and celebrates the 48th season of analytics in baseball, beginning with the founding of the Sabermetric Society in 1971 (the same year that Satchel Paige entered the Hall of Fame). Analytics has come a long way in sports, and now has its own conference, the MIT SportsContinue reading “Industry Spotlight: Baseball – Opening Day & Statistics in Sports”

Course Spotlight: Predictive Analytics

Predicting whether an internet user will click on a link or buy a product, whether an insurance claim is fraudulent, whether a home mortgage will be paid on time (or early), how much a house will sell for, what internet ad you should see next, whether a discharged patient will need to return to theContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Predictive Analytics” Partners With CrowdANALYTIX to Offer New Online Course With Crowdsource Contest As Project

Crowdsourcing, using the power of the crowd to solve problems, has been used for many functions and tasks, including predictive modeling (like the 2009 Netflix Contest). Typically, problems are broadcast to an unknown group of statistical modelers on the Internet, and solutions are sought. Every crowdsourced project harnesses the power of the community to findContinue reading “ Partners With CrowdANALYTIX to Offer New Online Course With Crowdsource Contest As Project”