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Feb 23: Statistics and Data Science in Practice


This week we look at a backdoor method to make predictions come true. Our student spotlight is on Staci Taylor, Assistant Prof. of Nursing at Southeastern Louisiana State Univ., and our featured programs are:

See you in class!

Peter Bruce
Founder of The Institute for Statistics Education at


News You Need to Know

What’s happening in the field of Data Science, Analytics, Statistics?

STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE IN PRACTICE – Making Predictions Come True With a “Nudge”

A lot of concern appears in the press and social media about AI-powered behavioral manipulation. One recent paper points out a little-noticed aspect of this: the ability to use behavioral modification to make machine learning predictions come true.   ()



Staci Taylor is an Assistant Professor of Nursing at Southeastern Louisiana State University. She was teaching theoretical and research courses and then was called upon to teach statistics. She turned to the Institute’s Certificate Program in Biostatistics to boost her skill set in statistics, and gained a new love for …  

Staci Taylor



To learn more about predictive modeling, check out:

This program’s courses in predictive analytics were designed, and some are taught, by Galit Shmueli, whose work I cited above in Making Predictions Come True. You can start in March, May, July, September or November.

To get a solid grounding in medical statistics, sign up for:

You can start in April, May, July, or October.