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Course Spotlight: The Text Analytics Sequence

Text analytics or text mining is the natural extension of predictive analytics, and’s text analytics program starts Feb. 6. Text analytics is now ubiquitous and yields insight in: Marketing: Voice of the customer, social media analysis, churn analysis, market research, survey analysis Business: Competitive intelligence, document categorization, human resources (voice of the employee), recordsContinue reading “Course Spotlight: The Text Analytics Sequence”

Course Spotlight: Constrained Optimization

Say you operate a tank farm (to store and sell fuel). How much of each fuel grade should you buy? You have specified flow and storage capacities, constraints on what types of fuels can be stored in which tanks, prior contractual obligations about minimum monthly deliveries and incoming supplies, plus the opportunity to sell onContinue reading “Course Spotlight: Constrained Optimization”

College Credit Recommendation Receives College Recommendation from the American Council on Education (ACE) College Credit Recommendation for Online Data Science Courses from The Institute for Statistics Education at LLC The American Council on Education‘s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated and recommended college credit for 5 more of The Institute for Statistics Education atContinue reading “College Credit Recommendation”

Big Data and Clinical Trials in Medicine

There was an interesting article a couple of weeks ago in the New York Times magazine section on the role that Big Data can play in treating patients — discovering things that clinical trials are too slow, too expensive, and too blunt to find. The story was about a very particular set of lupus symptoms,Continue reading “Big Data and Clinical Trials in Medicine”

Industry Spotlight: The brand premium for Chanel and Harvard

The classic illustration of the power of brand is perfume – expensive perfumes may cost just a few dollars to produce but can be sold for more than $500 due to the cachet afforded by the brand. David Malan’s Computer Science course at Harvard, CSCI E-50, provides an interesting parallel in the education world. It’sContinue reading “Industry Spotlight: The brand premium for Chanel and Harvard”

Twitter Sentiment vs. Survey Methods

Nobody expects Twitter feed sentiment analysis to give you unbiased results the way a well-designed survey will. A Pew Research study found that Twitter political opinion was, at times, much more liberal than that revealed by public opinion polls, while it was more conservative at other times. Two statisticians speaking at the Joint Statistical MeetingsContinue reading “Twitter Sentiment vs. Survey Methods”


When talking to several people, do you address them as “you guys”? “Y’all”? Just “you”? And is the carbonated soft drink “soda” or “pop?” Maps based on survey responses to questions like this were published in the Harvard Dialect Survey in 2003. Josh Katz took the data and produced extended visualizations and, last month, aContinue reading “Dialects”