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Over 80 Courses to Choose From.

Analysis of Survey Data from Complex Sample Designs

This course will teach you how to estimate descriptive quantities and sampling variances from complex surveys, and also how to fit linear and logistic regression models to complex sample survey data.
  • Intermediate, Advanced
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Biostatistics For Credit

Biostatistics for Credit reviews the procedures covered in the introductory courses Biostatistics 1 and Biostatistics 2, and covers in more detail the principal statistical concepts used in medical and health sciences.
  • Intermediate
  • 8 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Calculus Review

In this course you will learn how to define and describe informally the limit of a function and apply this limit to the tangent line problem. This leads to the idea of a derivative of a function, which you will learn to apply. You will also learn how to define and describe informally the integral, use the integral to answer area problems, and apply integration to the statistics problem of estimating probability density functions
  • Introductory
  • 3 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Categorical Data Analysis

This course will teach you the analysis of contingency table data. Topics include tests for independence, comparing proportions as well as chi-square, exact methods, and treatment of ordered data. Both 2-way and 3-way tables are covered.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Customer Analytics in R

In this course you will work through a customer analytics project from beginning to end, using R.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Designing Valid Statistical Studies

This course will teach you how to design studies to produce statistically valid conclusions. Topics covered in the course include: overview of validity and bias, selection bias, information bias, and confounding bias.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Forecasting Analytics

This course will teach you how to choose an appropriate time series model: fit the model, conduct diagnostics, and use the model for forecasting.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Generalized Linear Models

This course will explain the theory of generalized linear models (GLM), outline the algorithms used for GLM estimation, and explain how to determine which algorithm to use for a given data analysis.
  • Intermediate, Advanced
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Independent Data Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials

This course will teach you the statistical display and analysis methods used in monitoring clinical trials for safety, as well as the biases and pitfalls inherent in safety review.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Integer and Nonlinear Programming and Network Flow

This course will teach you a number of advanced topics in optimization: how to formulate and solve network flow problems; how to model and solve optimization problems; how to deal with multiple objectives in optimization problems, and techniques for handling optimization problems.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Interactive Data Visualization with Tableau

This course will teach you the principles of the visual display of data both for presentation and analysis data.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Introduction to Design of Experiments

This course will teach you the application of DOE rather than statistical theory, and teaches full and fractional factorial designs, Plackett-Burman, Box-Behnken, Box-Wilson and Taguchi designs.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Introduction to Item Response Theory (IRT)

This course will teach you the statistical basis for analyzing multiple-choice survey or test data – item response theory (IRT).
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Introduction to Network Analysis

This course will teach you a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods for describing, measuring, and analyzing social networks.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Introduction to NLP and Text Mining

In this course you will be introduced to the essential techniques of natural language processing (NLP) and text mining with Python.
  • Intermediate, Advanced
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Introduction to Python Programming

This course will introduce you to the basics of programming in Python on either Windows or Mac platform.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Introduction to R Programming

This course provides an easy introduction to programming in R.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Introduction to Statistical Issues in Clinical Trials

This course will teach you the basic statistical principles in the design and analysis of randomized controlled trials.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Introductory Statistics for Credit

This course will teach you the equivalent of a semester course in introductory statistics.
  • Introductory
  • 8 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Many-Facet Rasch Measurement

This course will teach you the analysis and interpretation of judge-intermediated ratings, like essay grading, Olympic ice-skating, therapist ratings of patient behavior, etc.
  • Intermediate, Advanced
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Meta Analysis 1

This course will explain meta analysis and the methods that are used to assess multiple statistical studies on the same subject and draw conclusions.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Meta Analysis 2

This course will teach you advanced issues in meta-analysis and the statistical analyses that are used to synthesize summary data from a series of studies.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Meta Analysis in R

The course covers the fundamentals of the fixed and random effects models for meta-analysis, the assessment of heterogeneity, and evaluating bias.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Mixed and Hierarchical Linear Models

This course will teach you the basic theory of linear and non-linear mixed effects models, hierarchical linear models, algorithms used for estimation, primarily for models involving normally distributed errors, and examples of data analysis.
  • Intermediate, Advanced
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Multivariate Statistics

This course will teach you key multivariate procedures such as multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), principal components, factor analysis, and classification.
  • Intermediate, Advanced
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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NLP and Deep Learning

In this course you will learn about deep neural networks, and how to use them in processing text with Python (Natural Language Processing or NLP).
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Optimization with Linear Programming

This course will teach you the use of mathematical models for managerial decision making and covers how to formulate linear programming models where multiple decisions need to be made while satisfying a number of conditions or constraints.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Persuasion Analytics and Targeting

This course will teach you how to apply predictive modeling methods to identify persuadable individuals and to target voters in political campaigns.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Predictive Analytics – Project Capstone

A predictive modeling practicum for the predictive analytices course program.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Predictive Analytics 1 – Machine Learning Tools

This online course introduces the basic paradigm of predictive modeling: classification and prediction.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Predictive Analytics 2 – Neural Nets and Regression

As a continuation of Predictive Analytics 1, this course introduces to the basic concepts in predictive analytics to visualize and explore predictive modeling.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Predictive Analytics 3 – Dimension Reduction, Clustering, and Association Rules

This course will teach you key unsupervised learning techniques of association rules – principal components analysis, and clustering – and will include an integration of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Principal Components and Factor Analysis

In this course, you will learn how to make decisions in building a factor analysis model – including what model to use, the number of factors to retain, and the rotation method to use.
  • Intermediate, Advanced
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Python for Analytics

This course will teach you the basic Python skills and data structures – how to load data from different sources and aggregate it, and how to analyze and visualize it to create high-quality products.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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R for Statistical Analysis

This course will teach you how to use R for basic statistical procedures.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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R Programming – Intermediate

This course will teach experienced data analysts a systematic overview of R as a programming language, emphasizing good programming practices and the development of clear, concise code. After completing the course, students should be able to manipulate data programmatically using R functions of their own design.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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R Programming – Introduction Part 2

This course is a continuation of the introduction to R programming.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Rasch Measurement – Core Topics

This course will teach you how Rasch analysis constructs linear measures from scored observations. You will learn the practical aspects of data setup, analysis, output interpretation, fit analysis, differential item functioning, dimensionality and reporting.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Rasch Measurement – Further Topics

This course will teach you Rasch theory and its application in the Winsteps software begun in Practical Rasch Measurement-Core Topics. This course introduces exciting new topics and delves into earlier topics more deeply.
  • Intermediate, Advanced
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Recorded Webinar on Content Optimization with Multi-Armed Bandits & Python

An overview of visualization in Python
  • Intermediate
  • 1 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Regression Analysis

This course will teach you how multiple linear regression models are derived, assumptions in the models, how to test whether data meets assumptions, and develop strategies for building and understanding useful models.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Responsible Data Science

This course, for both data science practitioners and managers, provides guidance and tools to build better models that avoid bias and unfairness.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Risk Simulation and Queuing

This course will teach you modeling technique making decisions in the presence of risk or uncertainty, including risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation, queuing theory for problems involving waiting lines, and decision trees for analyzing problems with multiple discrete decision alternatives.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Sample Size and Power Determination

This course will teach you how to make sample size determinations for various statistical tests and for confidence intervals, as needed for experimental studies such as comparison studies, as well as for other types of experiments.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Spatial Statistics for GIS Using R

This course will teach you spatial statistical analysis methods to address problems in which spatial location. This course will explain and give examples of the analysis that can be conducted in a geographic information system such as ArcGIS or Mapinfo.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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SQL – Introduction to Database Queries

This course will teach you how to extract data from a relational database using SQL and merge data into a single file in R so that you can perform statistical operations.
  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Survey Analysis

This course will teach you how to analyze data gathered in surveys.
  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Survey Design and Sampling Procedures

  • Introductory
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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Survival Analysis

This course will teach you the various methods used for modeling and evaluating survival data or time-to event data.
  • Intermediate
  • 4 Weeks
  • 100% Online
  • TA Support
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